Monday, October 14, 2024

A Week of Two-a-Days!

I know it's not Noah's favorite part of the football season but I so enjoy Two-a-Days because I love spending time with the other football moms and enjoy feeding the boys! 
Let's get this party started!
Our D Line boys!
Love seeing my Noah every day. And Coach Grothjan has said some really great things about him and the progress he's made.
Go D Line!!
Such a fun group of moms each day!
I also made sure to get a D Line group picture every day! What these boys put up with, ha ha! But they always smiled for me. Except Jack.
Another perk - seeing my Ash!
The trainers even sent me a few pictures of Noah on the field.
Another fun day and more pictures!
So glad Noah is staying so well hydrated off the field.
These guys are always super hungry when they come in and always so polite.
We spotted Kellan at freshman orientation.
Enjoying some afternoon popsicles.
The final day!
One final shot of these great D Line guys...
and one final picture with my Noah!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Harry Potter Watch Parties

Poor Ciara! Throughout the summer the older kids would watch movies that Ciara wasn't allowed to watch so when Ciara asked if anyome would watch Harry Potter with her, Savannah was more than happy to do it. I threw myself into the equation and the Harry Potter watch parties began! While Heidi and Ashlyn were in Europe and McKenna was working, Savannah and I prepared for our first party with Ciara by making butterbeer cookies and frozen butterbeers as a treat. I couldn't believe it but I already had the rum extract, ha ha!
We had such a fun time though I blew it on the butterbeers with clumpy butter.
By the third movie McKenna had joined us...
loved my Monster Book brownies...
and by the Goblet of Fire, Heidi and Ash were back from Europe and even David joined in on the fun!
He did fall asleep for a bit...
but McKenna was all in!
We even made polyjuice potion for this one!
Enjoying The Order of the Phoenix!
Chocolate wands...
and Voldemort for The Half-Blood Prince!
Making our own love potions!
Adding a little heart for the one we want to enchant.
Our final watch party we split up, watching Part 1 of The Deathly Hallows during the day. We laid out a true Harry Potter feast for this one!
We also took a quiz to find out which Hogwarts House we each belonged in.
That night we gathered for the final movie and ate up different kinds of Harry Potter treats. I think my favorite ended up being the pumpkin pasties! Though butter beer cookies never disappoint!