Monday, July 9, 2012

School is Out!

It's hard to believe but another school year has come to an end! To celebrate each class had a fun picnic day where parents and siblings got to join the students at school for lunch and games. Savannah always enjoys some extra time with her friends!
Xander with one of his best buddies, Tyler.
Noah especially loved hanging out with Xander's class because he got to hang out with all the guys rather than a bunch of older girls.
The hit of the picnic was this tic-tac-toe bean bag game that one of the dads brought. The kids loved it, especially Noah. He ended up being the big winner!
The official "last day of school" picture. Xander doesn't look too thrilled because he wasn't. When I picked up the kids at the bus stop, Xander bawled the whole way home. He said he is going to miss Ms. Carpenter because she is so nice, he's going to miss Mr. O'Donnell because he's funny, and school because it's his favorite subject!
Savannah with her reading award...
and her art display.
Xander also had some of his art on display at the school (along with every other student)...
and was very proud of all the little awards he earned this year. He was so proud of them that he displayed them on his dressar.
The kids don't seem to be missing school too much because we've been keeping them busy but every once in awhile Xander will mention to me how much he misses his teachers and how he can't wait to start second grade!

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