Thursday, November 1, 2012

Surviving Sandy

In anticipation of Hurricane Sandy hitting us late Monday, the schools closed and I had the kids home with me. Even David was home after our state governor directed everyone to get off the roads and get home. So, what to do as we sat inside, waiting for the brunt of the storm to hit us?
  • Sleep in!  I love when the kids don't have school because we get to stay in bed a bit longer than usual.
  • Movie Marathon!  We had been warned that we would lose power sometime Monday night into Tuesday so I allowed the kids to watch a ton of movies on Monday.  They loved it and watched all four Halloweentown movies.
  • We did some silly things, like one of my personal favorites, the face-on- chin conversation.
  • We were lucky enough to still have power Monday night and as the rain poured down and the wind roared we cheered on our 49ers to victory!
We were lucky enough to never lose power so Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in comfy jammies and a warm house with all our modern conveniences in check. I know that so many in our area were not as lucky as we were so I was definitely counting my blessings. We did a lot of :
  • talking
  • snacking
  • reading
  • playing games
  • putting together Legos
My heart goes out to the thousands of people that suffered and are still suffering from the affects of Hurricane Sandy. For us it was basically a few fun days with the kids home from school.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that wisely the news hasn't really touched on the details of devastation to try and protect some from loitering and other crimes that will happen, but were so hard and traumatic during katrina.
    We prayed for you guys and I have been wondering how you pulled through. I am so glad all our prayers were answered and that you were completely safe. Sounds like you all made the very best of it too!!!
