Sunday, May 4, 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2014 - a day I will never forget though in some ways I would love to. It started off like every other St. Patty's Day. Xander and Noah raced to the traps they had set to catch the leprechauns. Bummer! Foiled again!
The kids ran around the house checking out the mayhem that the leprechaun left. That one pesky leprechaun...he just can not tone down the messes. In fact, each year he gets a little worse. I am definitely getting tired of his antics! The kids love it, however, especially because they aren't the ones who have to clean it up!
The other leprechaun, however, is so sweet and leaves fun little candies for the kids to enjoy. Yummy gold chocolate coins!
And guess what? We got lots and lots of snow!! Another snow day for the kids. Man, these leprechauns were really up to no good this crazy day.
David was leaving to go out of town for a week so he made the kids some St. Patrick's Day pancakes for breakfast.  Xander is always such a great little helper in the kitchen.
Lovely green pancakes.
As the day wore on I started to feel pretty crummy. Both Savannah and Noah had battled the stomach flu the week before so I was pretty certain that as soon as David went out of town, I would get it. I tried to ignore how I was feeling and hung out with the kids all day and then prepared our yummy traditional dinner of corned beef and cabbage. Amazingly enough I did eat some though that certainly came back to bite me later on. After dinner we all settled in to watch one of our favorites, Darby O'Gill and the Little People. Within the first twenty minutes of the movie, Noah announced that he had lost his tooth!
To celebrate he joined the leprechauns from the movie and danced a wee jig!

About half way through the movie I announced that I was not feeling well and was going up to bed. Thank goodness the kids are older and can take care of themselves because the stomach flu hit full force and I was out of commission from that point on. I was up the entire night and as Tuesday came and then Wednesday and I was not feeling any better I started to wonder what exactly I had. After doing some research I surmised, from my symptoms, that I might have had viral gastroenteritis which is pretty common. The symptoms are very similar to the stomach flu but last much, much longer. I was down from Monday and finally stumbled downstairs Thursday morning to check on the condition of my house.  The kitchen was a scary sight but at least I knew the kids were eating!  Of course David was gone this entire time and every day when we would talk on the phone he sounded so dismayed to hear that I wasn't feeling any better. Yeah, I wasn't too happy about it either.  Thank goodness for Savannah and the tremendous help she was in getting the boys fed and off to school each day. I did not feel totally better until the following Tuesday, just over a week since it had begun. It was one of the worst illnesses I have ever gone through and I shudder when I think back on how terrible I felt during that time. And I sincerely hope that one day I will actually be able to eat corned beef again.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear you were so sick! That is not like you at all. I wish I had known. I would have totally helped. I love that Dave sent you flowers, too -- so sweet & beautiful. Also, I'm thankful you didn't have to move! So glad to have you all here in Maryland with us.
