Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Big 4-0!

These days, with the various activities we have going on, it seems almost impossible to schedule time to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays. This year David turned 40 so we knew that we had to do something fun but David is such a party pooper and never wants to do anything to celebrate.  We decided that a day at Rehoboth Beach with the kids would be the perfect way for him to enter his 40's!  We had a ton of fun!
The kids hit the water as soon as we set up our stuff but I don't think they were prepared for the massive waves that kept rolling into shore.
Watch out, Noah! These waves are stronger than you!
Thank goodness big brother Xander was there to help him up. The kids all had quite a few wipe outs!
The birthday guy!
Savannah spent most of her time collecting sea shells, as usual, and gathered quite the collection. She even got some help from an older couple doing the same thing.
It was the perfect day. Although there were a TON of people there, it wasn't too, too hot and there was just a slight breeze to keep us cooled off. We can't wait until we can go again.
As part of David's birthday celebration we ate dinner at Red Robin. David hates that I take the camera everywhere thus the needed help from the kids to get a smile out of him.
At home we had a small family party although we did skip the birthday cake since David and I are keeping to a more healthy diet. David's big present this year is to go to Utah in October and attend the Utah/USC football game but a person still needs a few small gifts to open on one's special day. I think his favorite of the evening came wrapped in a dish towel, tied with Noah's belt, and was a Ninja Lego poster.  From Noah, of course.


  1. Very fun! Chris is the same way, never wants to celebrate.

  2. Where the heck is this beach? It looks amazing! I can't believe David is such an old man. Jk! I am glad you guys had fun and I love all of your updates. Maybe one day I might update my blog! Love and miss you, can't wait to see you soon!

  3. haha I LOVE this post. My favorite is the picture of the kids making Dave smile for his bday picture. Eric hates taking pictures too. But we have to document these things! Noah's ninja poster present is pretty great too ;)
