Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mulch Fundraiser

And so it begins - the "lasts". April 20th was Noah's last football mulch fundraiser. We had signed up to help out at the elementary school where Noah's lift team would be but the night before his position coach decided to take all his D-line seniors with him to the other location. Ugh! Thank goodness Ashlyn was at the same place and was willing to take some pictures for me. Noah starting his morning off right, ha ha!
Seniors on the D-line and Coach Grothjan.
Brody, Nate, Lucas, and Noah.
Meanwhile, back at the elementary school...
Kellan had actually been assigned to the junior high but we had talked the Clarks into hanging out with us at the elementary school. Thank goodness we had them, especially since we didn't even have Noah.
Here we go!
This woman!
David and Ryan helped loading...
and Heidi and I were counters.
As the morning went on, it got colder and colder. We were freezing!
Yay, Noah joined us at the end.
And boy, was he thrilled when we went home and mulched our own yard.

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