Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Metal Mouth

Yep, I did it...I got braces! All my life I have been self-conscious of my extremely crooked tooth just to the side of my two front teeth. In recent years it has turned even more and has caused one of my front teeth to turn more as well. Earlier this year I decided to do something about it.  So, for the next two years I'll be keeping a closed mouth for pictures.

The obligatory before pictures.
And there you have it! I'll get the bottoms on in a couple of months after my bite has been corrected.

Honestly if I had known how horrific this whole experience was going to be I would never have done it. Not for one second of each day do I forget that I have braces on...and neither does my family, ha ha!  My teeth ache, I'm popping Ibuprofen like candy, I struggle with eating and even lost 6 pounds in the first month due to a diet of yogurt, mashed potatoes, and cottage cheese, I can't bite into anything without feeling that my front teeth are going to fall out, and at moments I get panic attacks and want to rip these braces right off my teeth. It's definitely been quite the experience. But just a few days ago I noticed a small space in between my front teeth that has never been there before due to the overlapping of one tooth over the other and boy, did I get excited. It's working!! The next two years can't go by fast enough but I'm looking forward to having beautiful straight teeth at the end of all this.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tracie! I am sorry you are hating it!! I LOVED mine. I am a weirdo. My teeth had been awful on both sides though. You have a lovely smile even with your braces!!! Hang in there!!! You'll get used to them!!!
