Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bryan's Birthday

Since I had one last subbing job on Bryan's birthday, Heidi, Ash, and I headed down the day before to have a little early birthday celebration. We spent some time visiting in the family room while trying to convince Mom's kittens that they should allow us to pet them. They're a little crazy!
This one got pretty close to Ashlyn...
but once she leaned down too close, off it ran!
Bryan grabbed this one and made her cuddle for a few seconds before the claws came out and off she went!
They're super cute but definitely NOT cuddlers!
We ordered Chipotle for lunch and brought it back to enjoy at the house since Mom's cleaning lady was there and she couldn't leave. It's always so fun to spend time with family and celebrate my amazing brother! I'm so grateful he's home for the summer!

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