Monday, June 10, 2024


David does such an amazing job keeping our front and back yards looking beautiful! His mowing lines might not meet Xander's approval, ha ha, but I think everything looks great. I was most especially pleased when he and Noah finally pulled out the ugly bushes we had in front. I hated them from the very beginning and am so glad they're gone!
Our beautiful purple clematis. I wish we had it along the whole fence - they're so gorgeous!
My favorite - our black-eyed susans! We definitely need to plant more of these around the yard. I love how they make me think of Maryland.
Without the bushes the front is looking a little bare but I don't care! David planted some more flowers and by next year everything will be filled in.
In the back David has once again planted a garden. This year we are growing zucchini, peas, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, and peppers. We also have some raspberries along the side fence.
Cleo loves to go in there and eat things and drink water from the hose.

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