Sunday, June 30, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

Noah started off his Memorial Day with some fishing!
The fish decided to bite him right back!
Mom, Bryan, Heidi, and I headed over to Dad's grave to say hello and leave him some beautiful red, white, and blue flowers as well as some new flags. We talked about him and shed a few tears. Oh, how we miss him!!
We love our family get togethers!
These two can NOT stop wrestling!
Ok, maybe long enough to pose for a picture.
Ciara had her friend over for a little but but she left soon after this picture.
Some pool baseball.
Mom even went out to play catcher...
and then got a hit or two herself!
Without her friend, Ciara got a little bored with us.
Time to eat!
Savannah relaxing in her spot under the pavilion.
Ciara is the cutest!
More pool baseball, this time hitting from the diving board. Even I got into the action though there are never pictures of me.
Grandma and her boys.
Honestly, Bryan is just the best! He always keeps us entertained.
More wrestling!
Coco snuggles.
Ash is the best at doing braids.
Yay, McKenna got home from work!
The best was our phone call with Xander and that he got to say hi to all his cousins!

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