Monday, July 1, 2024


Savannah had her first post-surgery doctor's appointment on Friday, August 24th. Everything looks great! She was told to keep the plastic protective wrap on for another week and get started with PT.
I am so proud of all the hard work she has put in to strengthening her leg. This sequence of one afternoon's home PT session is my favorite. Cleo was sitting underneath David's legs as he starting helping Savannah.
Cleo must have noticed Savannah's painful efforts because she moved close to her as if to check on her.
She started watching Savannah very closely.
The video is so sweet - Cleo laid down and put her head on Savannah's leg as if to let Savannah know she was there for her. Our hearts just melted.
I love her two little paws on Savannah's leg.
May 30th - Time for the protective plastic wrap to come off! We put David in charge of that!
Lookin' pretty good!
Not only is Cleo a wonderful support dog, she also monitors Savannah's nutrition very closely.
It takes a lot of work each day to build those muscles back up.
We were a little concerned about the patches on Savannah's leg but are pretty sure they're caused by the brace.
Huge success - three weeks post surgery Savannah is lifting her leg on her own!

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