Thursday, July 11, 2024

D Line Dinner

Noah and the D line guys have gotten super close the past few months so we thought it would be fun to have a dinner and swim night for all of them. The Clarks are always so gracious in allowing us use of their pool, and with the weather being so hot, we knew it would be fun for the guys. We made them BBQ chicken sandwiches for dinner along with chips, mac and cheese, and watermelon.
We had initially set everything up inside but David thought it would be better to move the food outside. I failed to bring out napkins or forks and felt terrible when I realized they were scooping up their mac and cheese with their dorito chips! I asked them why they hadn't mentioned that I forgot to put out napkins and Brody, with BBQ sauce all over his face, including his nose, replied, "Oh, we don't need any napkins." I tried not to laugh and handed him a huge wad.
Most of the D line - Vince, Noah, Jack, Carter, Nate, Little Windy, and Brody front and center.
After dinner they hung out in the pool for awhile, mostly playing Marco Polo.
Jack really liked the blow ups.
Noah and Brody practicing their defensive moves.
Finished up the evening with a little pool basketball.
I am so grateful that Noah is a part of such a great group of guys!

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