Friday, July 12, 2024

Off to Maryland

Time for our one summer trip - we're off to Maryland for Michaela and Cameron's wedding!
Our drive was long, filled with lots of laughs and interesting conversations, and also this beautiful heavenly manifestation. As we were driving along I was looking at the sky and all the clouds and noticed this flourescent blue one. Werid, I thought.
As we kept driving and Savannah and I started talking about it, she mentioned it might be a rainbow...and it was!
The funny thing was, there hadn't been any rain. Pictures will never do it justice because it's hard to see but it was just sitting in the sky by itself. There are clouds nearby but it wasn't attached to any of them. I have never seen anything like it!
David didn't understand what the big deal was at first but as I continued to take video and pictures, exclaiming over how amazing this rainbow was, he finally caught a glimpse and was just as mesmerized as Savannah and I.
And then we hit Baltimore and traffic, ha ha, and felt right at home. Scary moment as we were approaching the tunnel - we were crawling along, completely stopped at some points, and David's car made a weird noise and turned off. That was a tense moment! Eventually he got it back on but I was so nervous the rest of the drive that it was going to turn off again.
We were able to check into our hotel and chill for about 2 hours before meeting up with the Pauls for dinner at one of our favorite spots, Lemon n' Ginger. Oh, how we've missed them!
My favorite sushi roll of all time, the Passion roll. Both Savannah and I got one.
We had the best time catching up and spent just over two hours talking. We probably could have chatted even longer but I don't think the restaurant people would have appreciated that.
We drove around a little bit, hitting all our old scenes, including our townhouse, and then met up with the Hardys for some Ritas. It felt so good to be back with my bestie!
It's so fun to be back!

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