Sunday, October 6, 2024

Blue v White Scrimmage

First scrimmage of the season - Offense against Defense! I was stressing to get there on time because Dave had scheduled his and Therri's flight home for Friday evening and then David got lost driving to the Cincinnati airport so we were booking it to get to the school on time. Thank goodness we made it with 5 minutes to spare!
It looked like it was going to be a beautiful evening for some football and then the rain started.
Thank goodness it did not last long! Coach Grothjan and the D line.
Grothjan did a great job of rotating the boys throughout the evening and Noah got some great reps.
Getting coached up on the sideline. Noah only started playing D line mid-season last year so he still has some things to learn though he's looking really good out there.
Bonus of the season - seeing Ash and Noah on the sideline together!
The highlight of the night - the O and D line punt return challenge! Each player got two chances to catch a punt and Noah was able to catch one out of the two. D line ended up winning!
It's hard to believe that it's Noah's senior year of football! We are all so excited to be spending our Friday nights at the stadium again!

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