Thursday, May 31, 2012

Savannah's Concerts

Attending Savannah's winter concert at school was something that I enjoyed but my ears did not. Parents sure know how to put on a big smile and clap like crazy after hearing some of the screechiest music ever played! I have to admit, though, that the strings students at Savannah's school have made a vast improvement in their skills since December. Savannah's spring concert was a whole different concert where we actually heard some beautiful music coming from those instruments. I'm so proud of how far along Savannah is coming on the violin! A picture of Savannah and one of her best friends, Kate.
Savannah also had her spring piano recital, the theme for the evening being At the Movies/TV. The theme music to Scooby Doo was Savannah's piece and she played it perfectly!
Hanging out with the other recital players.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spring Sports

Futsol and TBall and Flag Football, oh my! Thank goodness they were all on separate days! Savannah participated in a futsol (soccer) clinic every Friday night for two months which really helped with her soccer footwork. Unfortunately, though, I didn't take any pictures. With his love of football Xander was eager to play some flag football this spring, especially since mom still answers "No" to tackle football. Xander's team was the Jaguars and it has been so much fun to watch Xander play. He even ran for a touchdown in his last game!
Receiving a little instruction from the assistant coach.
Playing center.
Get that flag, Xander! He really loved playing defense!
And Noah had his TBall, the only sport he likes to play, although he has mentioned he might want to play basketball this winter.
Playing in the field.
His turn at bat.
Sliding into home!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Noah Bean the Smiling Machine

It's hard to believe that our little Noah Bean is now 5 years old.  The nickname, Noah Bean the Smiling Machine, was given to him by Ms. Kelly, his preschool teacher, and I think it fits him perfectly.  Noah, for the most part, has a smile on his face...and what a great smile it is.  Some things about Noah that are extra special:

Noah is a ham!  He loves to dress up, he loves to make people laugh, he loves to be crazy, he loves life!!!

Noah grabs any opportunity to be silly.

Noah loves to dress up as a bad guy.  From the bad Spiderman to an icky pirate to Messala, the bad guy in the movie Ben Hur, Noah loves the villan!

I feel that all my kids are creative and Noah is no exception.  His inspiration can come from a video game, where he got the idea to turn himself into a chimera...

or the movie Nacho Libre.  Here Noah is Ramses, one of the wrestlers in the movie.

And of course there's the boxng.  Although David did buy the boys boxing gloves Noah at times will just pull on a swim suit and some socks and duke it out with Xander or David.  One of my dad's favorite stories about Noah is when he came down the stairs in this particular get-up, threw a few forward punches, and then shuffled backward as he continued punching.

Noah loves to draw!  And I mean LOVES to draw!  He will spend hours on his artwork, drawing things like houses, people, and his favorite, icky guys!

He definitely keeps us laughing!
And he can always ham it up for the camera.
He's a keeper!

The morning of his 5th birthday he was greeted with fun birthday balloons!
We then went to Target to pick out a surprise here - Legos!
A special card from his friend Brandon who is serving a mission in Southern California.
More Legos!
A bathrobe which he had been asking for for several months.
Making a wish and blowing out the candles.
Happy Birthday, Noah!

Noah's Favorites at 5:
Color:  green
Food:  waffles
Movie:  any Scooby Doo movie
Book:  Naked Mole Gets Dressed
Toy:  Legos
Animal:  monkey
Sport:  baseball
Thing To Do:  play with his Legos
What He Wants to Be When He Grows Up:  fireman by day, golden ninja by night
Fruit:  apple
Vegetable:  none
Song:  Seize the Day (from the movie Newsies)
Holiday:  Christmas
Candy:  chocolate
Dessert:  cookies
Season:  fall
Restaurant:  Freddy's
Temple:  Salt Lake City
Place To Go:  the store to buy more Legos
Scripture Hero:  Captain Moroni
Best Friends:  Xander and Nannie (his nickname for Savannah)