Friday, February 17, 2017

Savannah Doesn't Go to Camp

I had this sinking feeling when I heard the Stake changed YW Camp from July to August that there would be a conflict with high school soccer tryouts. And I was right. Savannah was super bummed that she couldn't attend girls camp this year so we made sure she went up with me and David on Bishop's Night.
We made it up in time to see Melissa participate in one of the skits.
And of course David rallied some of the other bishops to be in his pie eating skit. The bishops were going to see who could eat their pie the fastest which of course had all the young women eager to see who would do it.
No one had anticipated that the bishops would eat their pies the civilized way!
Savannah adores Sister Hardy!
Celebrating Akua's birthday! She turned 12 the week of camp.
Ward campfire time!
Smores along with scary and gross, thanks to Brother Klein, stories.
I'm glad Savannah got at least one night of camp!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Xander Goes to Scout Camp

We got back from Cincinnati Friday evening, Xander had football tryouts Saturday morning, and then Monday morning he was off to a week of scout camp. Since Xander was only 11, David had to go up each evening so Xander could stay overnight. I'm so grateful that David made that sacrifice because Xander had a fabulous time!
Xander heading out the door early, early Monday morning. He was all smiles!
He enjoyed having down time and just hanging out with his buds.
Xander said they spent a lot of time practicing volleyball to prepare for the big volleyball competition they had entered.
Obviously a lot of time was spent on merit badges.
He's in there somewhere.
Smiley camper boy.
Lots of swimming!
This was a game called Taps that apparently was a huge favorite played by the boys. David said every chance they got, they were playing it.
Some of Xander's favorite memories of the week were the delicious food, playing Taps, swimming, and placing 4th with Cole Wardle in the sailing event.
The Winters Run scouts - Braydn, Xander, Cole, and Jerell.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

It's Always Good Times in Cinci

We spend so much of our time entering the pool...
in the pool...
or sitting around the pool talking, reading, playing games,
or getting our hair done.
But from time to time we go off and do other things, like seeing The Secret of Life of Pets,
and then eating lunch at Red Robin. It's a summer tradition!
Grandpa is the best even though he wears Oregon shirts!
We cherish all the moments that we just get to be together,
to be goofy and laugh,
and have fun!
Ciara is the only east coast cousin that has a birthday in the summer and we are usually there to help her celebrate.
When you want this kind of excitement over your gift, you ask her mom what specifically she wants.
She's such a cutie and we all love her to pieces!
Unfortunately our time in Cincinnati always seems to go by way too quickly so the night before we leave we hit the pool for one last evening swim.

Thanks for the memories, Cincinnati! Until next time!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Annual Pierce/Clark Cupcake Wars

They've been known as The Spiders in years past; they might still have that name, they might have changed it...
but the ladies ever remain The Cupcake Divas!
Let the baking begin!
Having learned from years past that 2 cupcakes per team is just a bit overwhelming, each team chose just one cupcake flavor this time around. The boys decided to do a Cookies and Cream flavor;
and the girls a chocolate raspberry.
Baking takes a lot of concentration and hard work.
And definitely lots of taste testing!
The finishing touches...
And voila!
McKenna must have learned the pointing thing from her dad.
Let the judging begin! Ciara loved the cookies and cream.
Bryan had to ponder over his choice...
They were both delicious but the votes were tallied and, once again, The Cupcake Divas are the winners!!