Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Noah's February

Basketball games continued throughout February and Noah's team kept losing. HOWEVER, they were improving!They were scoring a lot more points and losing by less of a margin.
Despite his meager playing time, Noah continued to hustle while he was out there and work hard. He had one teammate, RJ, who also plays on his football team, that would pass him the ball so Noah even got to attempt a few shots.
And there was that one time that he actually brought the ball down the court. Basketball definitely wasn't his favorite but he always gave it his all.
A team shot!
A boy and his dog. Cleo looks at Noah as one of her litter mates and they definitely play like they are.
She definitely puts up with a lot from him!
An opportunity to do some service - shoveling the sidewalks at the church.
And a fun camp out with the Young Men...even Xander went!

Always reading, drawing, playing, or acting out Star Wars!
Never a dull moment when Noah is around!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Seminary in January

I can't say enough about how much I LOVE teaching seminary! It has been one of the greatest blessings in my life and I can't imagine starting my day any other way. In December my co-teacher, Elinor, was released so she could serve as the Relief Society President in her ward so I am now the sole teacher of my class. At first I was a little nervous about waking up early 5 days a week but it turned out not to be a problem and has brought even more blessings! Our reading wagons continue on their way to Utah...
The kids tried to write a scripture verse and found out just how difficult it is to do. As I read off their verses versus actual scripture verses, the kids had to decide if it was real or made up. The only one they weren't sure about was Grace's...kudos to Grace! I loved how they put as their references: "Songs of Secrest" and Sav 7:7. My favorite made up verse was found in Lydia 19:1 - "Chocolate can heal any wounds so be not afraid."
Learning about the three kingdoms. Another art project!!
Such amazing things are found in the scriptures!
We toured each kingdom, starting with Outer Darkness, where Felix instructed us. Definitely not a desirable way to spend the eternities.
Next we learned about the Telestial Kingdom from Savannah and Emma...
followed by the Terrestrial Kingdom with Emily, Grace, and Sydney,
and finishing up at the Celestial Kingdom taught by Nathan, Abi, and Harrison.
I love getting new artwork to hang on our walls.
We've lost a few members of our families but the majority are trekking on!
A rare moment we just had to capture on film - Harrison wearing pants and a jacket!
I love the amazing things some of my kids can draw.
We love our Friday breakfasts!!

Learning to live the Law of Consecration.
Abi was our 82 year old widow who was willing to give everything she had except for her walking cane.
When Emma announced she was trying to collect as much money as she could, I realized I might not have explained this law too well.
But I probably did when Lydia announced, "It's not fair!", ha ha!
Time for another seminary store. Grumble, grumble on my part...I really dislike this thing but the kids seem to love it!
Happy seminary students with their earnings.
Game night at Emily's house. It was a blast, especially when we played Telestrations.