Sunday, March 24, 2024

Hangin' at Mom's

Bryan was in town for his spring break so of course we had to go down and spend some time with him. Sunday dinner at mom's! The bonus was getting to play with her two cute new kittens, Princess and Belle.
Bryan is always so generous and had gifts for everyone, including these gorgeous chocolates.
They're just too pretty to eat!
Comparing height, ha ha! I continue to be the shrimp of the family.
Can't get enough of these little cuties!
And it was such a fun evening with Bryan!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Temple Trip

It was an early morning start for us the first Saturday morning in March as we headed up to the Columbus temple with other youth from our ward to do temple baptisms. It has been a long time since Noah has been able to attend the temple so we were super excited to go! We met for donuts and juice as well as a prayer at our house before carpooling up. The girls outnumbered the guys in our car.
What a wonderful way to spend the morning and! The kids were amazing and there was such a sweet spirit throughout our time there. It is such a tremendous blessing to see my son participating in the work of the Lord at the temple.
This ward has never embraced the meal after the temple so we decided to make it a thing by stopping for breakfast at Chick-fil-A. We have such a fun group of youth!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Rest of February

A bunch of fun moments from the rest of February! 

Love spending time with my Noah. He was even willing to go see the movie Migration with me! As we turned into the parking lot, a geese was laying right in the middle of the lane, blocking my way. Noah commented, "Mom, you almost ended his migration!" He's too funny!
The young women painted Books of Mormon and they turned out so cute!
My cute Cleo who always naps with me in the afternoon.
Subbing moments! Always have to sneak a picture of my Noah when I have him in class.
And I had several of Xander's buddies in class so I had them write little notes to him and then pose for a picture.
I chose "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote for our book club book. Although really well written, we all agreed that we'd never read it. The story is haunting and just tremendously sad. Chelsea had listened to a podcast about Truman Capote and related all this interesting stuff she had learned about him which really added to our book club discussion.
And of course Mondays remain my favorite day of the week!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tricia's Visit!

Tricia came out for a week long visit so of course we had to get together for some catch up time. We went to check out some kittens for mom and them went to lunch at a new Asian place which turned out to be delicious! We got to load up a bowl with all the ingredients and sauces we wanted and then they cooked it up for us. Yummy! And it was so great to hear all about Tricia's family and what everyone is up to.
Mom treated us all to the theater one night! We love La Comedia and this was a play I'd never seen - Guys and Dolls - and it definitely is a new favorite. It was fabulous! Of course Heidi and I had to ham it up with our specialty drinks.
You never know what's going to turn up on your camera roll when you hand your phone to Ryan to take pictures.
Me and my love.