Monday, July 13, 2015

Sav's Church Youth Activities

I love having a calling where I get to hang out with the youth each week and I love it even more that Savannah is one of my young women. With activities like pudding pictionary, who wouldn't have a fabulous time?
Our four teams:
Time to get drawing!
One team dominated...until I figured out that they were doing a little cheating here and there.  Thank goodness it wasn't Savannah's team.
Oh, well, the kids still had a great time!
Another night the kids played broom hockey. Yeah, our broom bit the dust that night!
The broom ladies!
Maybe they should have stayed in the building, hee hee!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

2nd Grade Field Trip

Back when Savannah was in elementary school and needed chaperones for her field trips my name was never chosen. Maybe these days the parents are a little smarter? Because the chaperone pool has definitely shrunk; nowadays I get picked for every single field trip!
Here we go, off to Herr's Chip Factory for the day! Heaven help me!!
My cute little group: Noah, Miles, and Autumn.
I've been on this tour several times throughout the years and think it is well worth it just to get the fresh, warm chips right out of the oven. Each of the kids got 2-3 chips but the chaperones got a whole handful. Such yummy, salty goodness! The kids were super jealous. After the tour we all headed to the gift shop to load up on goodies. What a crazy group!
We had some tired kids on the drive home. If I could have I would have laid down myself for a little snooze. 2nd graders wear me out!
That night at dinner we had our Herr's Chip Taste Testing as a family. We all agreed that the dill pickle flavor was disgusting and the jalapeno pepper chips were the best!