Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Frozen Tournament

Holy moly, you'd think we'd learn. You'd think we'd learn to be prepared for the winter-like weather that loves to spring on us during fall soccer tournaments. Over the Columbus Day weekend Savannah and her team had a tournament up in Delaware and the forecast called for cloudy, low 60's. However, the weather took a severe plunge and we shivered our way through two games in low 40 degree weather. We had no coats, no blankets, no gloves or hats. Thank goodness we stopped at a Target when we got up there and I grabbed a thermal sweatshirt and pants for Xander (who was wearing shorts) just to be on the safe side; Xander would have gone home a Popsicle if I hadn't. We had to be bused to the soccer fields so we didn't even have the luxury of hanging out in a warmed up car in between games. It was pure misery! But watching Savannah never is...she played really well, as usual.
Love this picture of my soccer girl!
Going for the cross!
I had my very own personal heater - Noah sat on my lap almost the entire day in hopes of keeping us both warm.

Never again will we go to a fall soccer tournament without the necessaries to survive a blizzard, if need be!!
With 1 tie and 1 win for the day, the Wildcatz ended up in the championship game on Sunday. Unfortunately they let us know Sunday afternoon that they had lost 1-0.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My 41st!

It's hard to believe but I'm another year into my 40's - blah! Last year was a tough birthday and I really didn't want anyone to acknowledge it; this year, however, I was in an extremely good mood and enjoyed the day immensely. It started off in a very special way - David and I headed over to the kids' school to see Xander receive the ABBY student of the month award for his class. He earned it the very first month of school which obviously made us very proud. I can't think of a better present he could have given me!
A congratulatory handshake from the principal.
Way to go, Xanderman!
With his teacher, Ms. Valentin. She's great and he really enjoys being in her class. (I can't believe they're the same height!)
David took me to lunch and then I spent the rest of my afternoon reading and lounging. It's funny how when I choose to treat myself it's by not exercising for the day, which I hate, eating out so I don't have to cook, and then reading...all such fabulous indulgences! That evening we gathered after Savannah's soccer and my RS meeting to open presents. I got some fun stuff, like a new Niners shirt, a new dress, and a 75th anniversary copy of Gone With the Wind. Such a fun day!