Saturday, May 4, 2024

Wrestling Banquet

Before heading into Noah's wrestling banquet, we sat in the car listening to President Nelson's General Conference talk. He was the final speaker for the Sunday afternoon session and he always announces new temples. Rumor was Cincinnati was going to get one so we sitting there hoping that it was true. When President Nelson said "Cincinnati, Ohio", my heart just overflowed with joy and I got immediate tears. I can not wait until this temple is built! It's only going to be about 20 minutes away! What a tremendous blessing!! 

Noah's wrestling banquet was nice but extremely focused on the Varsity team, which is fine, but doesn't really apply too much to us. So we ate our food, clapped for everyone, and were ready to go home when it was done.
Noah and his buddy, Max.
We're so proud of Noah and his great improvement in wrestling this season. Each year he's getting better!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Prom/After Prom

Noah decided not to go to prom but Ashlyn went with her new boyfriend, Jay. She looked stunning!
After Ashlyn's pictures, Heidi and I headed over to the place where After Prom was being held. I absolutely love the idea of After Prom, a safe, fun place where the kids can go when prom is over. Our friend Missy has been involved the past few years and convinced us to join in the fun so Heidi and I signed on. Typically junior parents are the ones who volunteer though there are still some senior parents who help out. Heidi and I attended only two planning meetings and then signed up for decorations and food. In years past there have been around 20 adults setting up; this year, about 5 of us. You can imagine how that went! This picture is from the early hours when we were fiull of energy and happiness.
The theme was Movie Night so we were hanging up all kinds of movie posters and things related to famous movies. Missy's husband had this cool helmet and suit for a "Top Gun" display so of course I had to try on the helmet. Once he closed everything up on me, I could not breathe! Kinda had a little panic attack but it made for a fun picture.
Still going strong!
And now we're starting to lose it a bit. There was just so much to hang up!
We started decorating just before 7:00 and finished literally minutes before 11:00, when the kids started showing up. We were only able to finish because all the parents who showed up at 10:30 to run different things at After Prom dove in and helped. At 11:00 we headed upstairs to help with the food. I manned the dessert table after seeing kids take well more than their fair share of goodies. Heidi tried to help put out more food or load empty boxes into the trash bags but the food committee just jumped in and did everything so we were kinda not needed. Thank goodness our kids came and visited us from time to time.
I love the caricature drawing Noah and Nate had done!
The joys of being on the food committee! All of the ladies were super nice but we were starting to get tired!
Our prom pictures, ha ha!
And here it is - we somehow missed the memo that we only had to do one or the other, not both! We were some of the only parents there from start to finish!
Our last picture of the evening. Around 2:15 we were given permission to start cleaning up. We tore down all the posters and cleaned up food and then, at 2:30, I said I'd had enough, and Aimee, Heidi, and I just headed right out the door.
I'm glad I could help out but honestly, I'm so glad I never have to do it again! And I don't think Heidi will either even though she has two more kids that will come through. I haven't been up that late in who knows how long! I was so glad General Conference was the next day because I was able to sleep in until around 11:00 and didn't have to get ready for church. It was a long night for us but Noah said he had a great time and that's what truly matters.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Rugby - Boise Tournament

Savannah was at Boise State the first weekend in April for the big rugby tournament they host each spring. The best thing about this one is they livestream it so we were able to watch all three of her games. First up was Northern Colorado.
It was a close game! Savannah scored three times, the third one at the last second of the game for the win, 15-10!! 
Next up, Boise State.
We scored right away but then it was a massacre! Boise St stomped all over us! Third game - School of Mines which unfortunately turned out to be another butt whooping.
The official pictures.
Although her team didn't do as well as they wanted, Savannah played so well. We loved being able to watch our girl in action and cheer her on from Ohio. Technology is the greatest!
Rugby is one tough sport!!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Easter 2024

It was a beautiful Easter Sunday! Although they cut down our "picture" tree, we still grabbed a shot of our little family after church.
Later that afternoon we headed over to the Clarks for a delicious Easter feast!
Heidi always has everything look so perfect.
I truly treasure these holidays that we get to spend together.
Time to get this party started!
Heidi even broke out her beautiful china!
The kids' table with an addition - Jay, Ashlyn's new boyfriend.
The dinner was delicious - ham, twice baked mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, green salad, mandarin orange jello salad, rolls, and martinellis.
Where's Bryan the dish washer when you need him, ha ha!
Enjoying being together!
Ciara was worn out!
A great picture of Xander with his companion and a young guy from one of the wards whose mom bought them all matching ties for Easter.
Spring is such a beautiful time!