Monday, April 29, 2024

Rugby - Boise Tournament

Savannah was at Boise State the first weekend in April for the big rugby tournament they host each spring. The best thing about this one is they livestream it so we were able to watch all three of her games. First up was Northern Colorado.
It was a close game! Savannah scored three times, the third one at the last second of the game for the win, 15-10!! 
Next up, Boise State.
We scored right away but then it was a massacre! Boise St stomped all over us! Third game - School of Mines which unfortunately turned out to be another butt whooping.
The official pictures.
Although her team didn't do as well as they wanted, Savannah played so well. We loved being able to watch our girl in action and cheer her on from Ohio. Technology is the greatest!
Rugby is one tough sport!!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Easter 2024

It was a beautiful Easter Sunday! Although they cut down our "picture" tree, we still grabbed a shot of our little family after church.
Later that afternoon we headed over to the Clarks for a delicious Easter feast!
Heidi always has everything look so perfect.
I truly treasure these holidays that we get to spend together.
Time to get this party started!
Heidi even broke out her beautiful china!
The kids' table with an addition - Jay, Ashlyn's new boyfriend.
The dinner was delicious - ham, twice baked mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, green salad, mandarin orange jello salad, rolls, and martinellis.
Where's Bryan the dish washer when you need him, ha ha!
Enjoying being together!
Ciara was worn out!
A great picture of Xander with his companion and a young guy from one of the wards whose mom bought them all matching ties for Easter.
Spring is such a beautiful time!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Rest of March

While the Clarks were in Florida for Spring Break and McKenna was in class during the day, we had Coco come play at our house. Cleo and Coco continue their love/hate relationship, ha ha!
But my love for Coco is ALL love! She is just the sweetest little dog and my little buddy when she's here.
They love exploring the backyard together.
The spring weather has been decent enough to do some grillin'!
Our morning pick up selfies!
March Madness continues!
Noah got a new haircut...
joined us for lunch and the movie Ghostbusters (and yes, David fell asleep)...
and we finished the first book in the series The Brotherband Series.
I got my first chemical peel thanks to a Christmas gift from Bryan. I was super nervous but it was actually really nice other than the lady repeatedly telling me all the things I needed to do to improve my skin. Yep, I'm a California girl who grew up loving the sun and don't have a daily 12 step facial routine. The facial part was wonderful, the fumes were a little strong and I had to fight the urge to break out in a coughing fit, but oh, my face felt wonderful!
We had a beautiful Passover activity with the young women. We had some food, watched a short video on the meaning of the Passover, the girls shared favorite scriptures, and then they signed their testimonies in each others' Books of Mormon that they had painted a few weeks ago.
The Clarks returned home and Noah and Kellan decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and play some basketball.