Tuesday, April 16, 2024

6 Months!

It's hard to believe it but that's how long Xander has been serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Although he seems to think it's flying by, I don't really agree with that but I guess it's different for the mom. A few thoughts from his 6 month email:

"Been a missionary for 6 months now, so let's go! I've truly seen the Lord's work hastening and my testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ continues to grow. 
Wednesday, we had Zone Conference! Always such a spiritually filled day! I loved being able to hear trainings from President and Sister Evanson. Our main focus was on the document, "The Living Christ". It's where the prophets and apostles have borne testimony of Jesus Christ. Check it out! 
So many miracles are occurring throughout the mission, as well as in our area. I love serving and I've been out for a quarter of my mission, which is absolutely crazy to me! But I've loved every minute of it, even in the hard times. I've learned so much and can't wait to continue to learn." 

 Although we sure do miss him, I'm so proud of all the good he is doing! Here are some pictures from about mid-December until March 11th, his 6 month mark. 

 Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited Xander's mission and, for the picture, Xander is sitting in the row right behind him! Afterwards they each got to meet him and shake his hand. Xander said it was an amazing experience.
A trip to the temple!
His last days with Elder Reames.
Performing as Lehi at the "Talent Show" at Zone Conference. I wish I could post the video - Xander was hilarious!!
Xander's Christmas Eve.
Opening presents with us Christmas morning.
I love receiving pictures and texts from sweet members in Utah who are taking such good care of my son!
With his companion, Elder Hueter.
A special meal delivery by Katie Stucki and her husband. Katie is the daughter of a good friend of mine from Maryland and her husband actually served his mission in Orem.
Xander got the news he would be transferring to Pleasant Grove so he spent the last few days in the Lehi area saying goodbye to friends.
Back home he is well respresented at the ward building.
His new companion, Elder Bingham.
Zone Conference!
He even did a photo bomb, ha ha!

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