Wednesday, February 1, 2017

North Bay Soccer Camp Week 1

Let's get this soccer party started! (Jan was really upset after seeing this picture, asking why he wasn't in it to which I replied, "You are...your little face is in between Carolyn and Savannah!")
All I can say is this first week of soccer camp was as close to perfection as it gets! Usually the little ones are tough for me but these cuties were awesome. Alex was my partner once again and we had a great time with the littles!
Taking a break and enjoying the sun!
Of course Cole got put in timeout the very first day.
The one bummer thing about this summer's camp is that Coach Potter was moving to South Carolina so he couldn't join us. We missed him terribly! Mike usually runs the lunch time events so we needed to find a replacement - Coach Bill chose Xander!
First lunch event? North Bay Soccer Camp Has Talent! Several kids participated but Xander himself was the final act, pounding out some number song and all the kids started clapping along with him. Too bad I can't post video of Coach Bill dancing in the corner - it was truly hilarious!
One morning the littles warmed up with the big kids. Seriously, too cute!
Our big kids were awesome, totally helping out the little guys.
Time to play some soccer!!!
Those July days are super hot so we always have a water balloon drill.
And then it's time to get back at it.
Savannah definitely doesn't let those guys push her around. She is one tough cookie!
Water balloon fun with the middle group.
It's a little bright for Xander.
and then some hangin' out.
Let's cool off Coach Alex!
And now let's go get Coach Paul, Coach Bill, and the big kids!
The bubble gum blowing contest!
Impressive, Tate!
Keep blowing, Ben!
And we have a winner!!
Molly's Magic Show.
The infamous soccer pinata; it's been hit a few times, that's for sure.
And then there was that time at soccer camp when Ben Wardle swung on the soccer pinata and sang The Wrecking Ball song by Miley Cyrus. Yeah, that was something I don't think I can ever forget. But I will only post a picture of him cowering behind the pinata with Jan.
Some of my favorites!
And of course there has to be dabbing...
Some indoor fun!
Some of the older kids just love to stay indoors where it's nice and cool and "help" me with the youngest group. Mostly we just eat candy and play games.
Jersey contest time with Xander running the show.
Gabe is working it!
And our cute little winner, Eleanor.
A camper favorite, Coach Paul.
World Cup games before the storm rolled in.
These two! I don't know what got into Gabe but at one point, when Savannah was watching the game from the sideline, Gabe scored and yelled, "In your face, Savannah!" We all laughed at that one, especially because she wasn't even playing at the time. So, a few minutes later, she made a nice move around Gabe and scored. Immediately she turned to him and, with a push, returned the sentiment, "In your face, Gabe!" Gabe ended up on the ground due to her shove which made it even funnier. From then on, it was game on between these two.
Taking a freezie pop break!
Last day activities.
As we proceeded onto the playground to complete our rounds of soccer golf, Taylor told me she wasn't going to go up the stairs because there was a snake under the step. I looked at her closely and said doubtfully, "There's no snake. I just set up the course this morning and didn't see anything." But she insisted so we all went over and sure enough, there it was, right under the first step. It was just a little garden snake but we all went running!
Posing for a selfie with my favorite Puerto Rican.
Soccer golf with the middle group.
They weren't afraid of that snake!
The kids all love the "see how far you can kick your soccer ball while swinging" contest!
We love the shade!
By the end of the week we're all a little worn out!

The oldest group...

and the youngest group playing the quiet game. That's how we roll by the afternoon!
But there is always enough energy to pose for those goofy pictures!
One last hug for Jan who's moving overseas.
Showing off my legit belly sweat from the coaches/campers game...which we won, of course! Dang, it was hot out there!!
One fabulous week of soccer camp, one more to go!

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