Saturday, November 2, 2013

Xander's Soccer Season

Earlier this year David and Xander decided that this would be the year for Xander to give travel soccer a try. We are always a little hesitant about travel teams due to our belief of not playing sports on Sundays but Xander had pretty much gotten everything out of rec soccer that there was to learn and was ready to take a step up. As David started searching for what team he thought Xander should try out for we found out that a friend of ours from church was coaching a travel team. Yay! No Sunday issues! BUT Xander still had to try out and make the team...which he did. Another yay! To be honest, I was a little hesitant with the whole thing because soccer has never been Xander's love like it is for Savannah. I wasn't sure that the investment would be worth it. The first few weeks of the season were tough for Xander; he had a really hard time with three nights a week practices and he was sooooo out of shape that it was affecting how he was playing. His heart just didn't seem in it and I thought that my misgivings about travel were proving to be true. But some time in late September, after a meltdown about practices, David and I had a heart to heart with Xander that must have helped because right after that his whole attitude changed. He started hustling and working harder and his playing just got better and better. As he got better and started getting more compliments from coaches and parents, he picked it up even more. I am so proud of all he has been able to accomplish this season and have thoroughly enjoyed watching him play. Xander started the season playing midfield but this past month his coach moved him to left fullback, my old position. He has been a great defender!
Some pictures from this season:
The Bocas!

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