Sunday, September 9, 2012

Another Year Begins

Despite all the fun we had this summer the kids were extremely anxious to get back to school. I'm so lucky to have kids who really love going to school.
The mandatory "first day of school" pictures.
Walking down to the bus stop.
And there go Xander and Savannah!
Although it was Noah's first day of school as well the kids in kindergarten do not ride the bus the first day. In fact, they don't even attend a full day of school on that first day. That afternoon I accompanied Noah to kindergarten for an hour long orientation/gradual entry. Noah got to check out the classroom, meet some of his classmates, and learn a bit of what kindergarten is all about.
Noah and his teacher, Ms. Machovec. She was Xander's reading teacher when he was in kindergarten so we know that she is a great teacher.
Noah was so excited to earn his first golden ABBY award for good behavior! Hopefully there will be many more to come.
Tuesday was the first day that all three kids were in school for the full day, a day that I have anxiously awaited for quite some time. It has been a day that I have looked forward to but also a bittersweet day in my life.
Noah with his "kindergarten" hat and necklace.
Noah was so, SO excited!
And there he goes, my baby, my very last to school!
And what did I do? I celebrated by spending the day shopping with a friend. It was fabulous!

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