Thursday, September 6, 2012

Let the Craziness Begin!

We are most definitely a soccer family and our fall season is always jam packed with practices and games. Since soccer was not a hit with Noah last year he is taking the season off but Xander and Savannah are back out on the field having a great time.
Two weeks ago Xander had his first game and Noah and I were there to cheer him on. His team is the White Sharks and he has the same coach he had for indoor soccer.
This picture is of Xander's shot on goal going right past the goalie!  (Unfortunately I was so excited that I didn't get Xander in the actual shot!) Yep, Xander got a goal in his first game of the season and his team ended up winning 4 - 2.
This past June Savannah tried out for a travel soccer team and made the Northern Elite team.  She has been training hard with 3 days a week practices and a daily fitness workout.  Her coach is fabulous and Savannah seems to really enjoy being part of this team. Savannah and David couldn't attend Xander's first game because they spent the day up in Gettysburg at Savannah's first tournament They left bright and early, 5:45am, to get to Gettysburg by 7:15 for warm ups and an 8:00am game. She had several games throughout that Saturday, tying 2, losing 1, and winning 1. She and David didn't get home until after 8 that night, definitely a long day for the both of them. I was so bummed to miss her first tournament but will be at the next one.
Her first tournament T-shirt.
Her team ended up in the semi-finals on Sunday and ultimately in the championship game which they won. Savannah attended church instead but was excited to hear that her team had done so well. The team manager sent us a text to let us know the good news as well as to tell Savannah that her teammates had said that they couldn't have made it to the championship game on Sunday without Savannah's awesome playing on Saturday.
Her trophy for the tournament!

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