Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Eight is Great!

My little Xanderman is growing up! It's hard to believe but he turned eight this year and I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. Eight fun things about Xander are:
  1. He is still as goofy as they come.  One day he got off the school bus and started dancing in the street (envision Elaine from Seinfeld and you might have an image of what Xander looked like) which got a good laugh out of all the parents.  He's always doing silly stuff like that.
2. Xander LOVES babies! Every day when he gets off the bus he goes over to my friend's little girl who is about 9 months old and gives her kisses and holds her hands. While we were in Cincinnati he loved holding Ciara whenever he got the chance. He's such a sweetie with them.
3. Xander loves to read and he's become quite good at it. For one who really struggled in kindergarten even knowing what sounds the letters make he has really come a long way. His favorite books are about ninjas, pirates, super heroes, and he even enjoys reading the scriptures on his own. I love this picture that I got of him in Cincinnati!
4. Xander loves music and will head down to the basement whenever he gets a chance to blast some tunes.

5. Xander is such a great helper. Whether it's helping Grandpa mow the lawn or peeling potatoes for Grandma or helping me cook dinner, he is a hard worker.
6. Xander has made the wonderful decision to be baptized and he is extremely excited for the big day! Doesn't he look so handsome in his new suit?
7. Xander loves playing as well as watching sports. Just in the past few weeks, since football started, he has taken an active interest in which team is playing and has asked every night if he can watch a game on TV. David is in heaven having one of his sons to hang out with and watch sports. Xander also loves playing soccer, basketball, and baseball.
8. Xander has BIG feet. Here is a picture of his foot next to mine; I can't believe my 8 year old son has the same size foot as me!  (The third little foot is Noah's; he hated to be excluded from the foot comparison shot.)
Birthday morning balloons...
and present. Since Xander will only wear athletic clothes he was super excited to get a jersey!
Later that evening we had a small family party where Xander got to open the rest of his gifts. Savannah made him a Halloween quiz card;
he received some Axe spray since as of late he has become concerned about smelling good;
some Clone Wars Season 3 action which Noah was excited about as well;
ANOTHER light saber because we apparently just don't have enough;
and some Merman vs. Aquaman action. Xander was really, REALLY excited to get this gift if you couldn't tell by the crazed look in his eyes!
Xander is like me, no cake, so I made a strawberry pie for dessert.

Xander's Favorites at 8:
Food:  hamburger
Color:  green
Movie:  Star Wars III
TV Show:  Clone Wars
Book: Peter and the Starcatchers
Toy:  Star Wars
Thing to Do:  play on his DS
Dessert:  ice cream
Candy:  Kit Kat
Fruit:  strawberries
Vegetable:  broccoli
Song:  Disney songs
Group:  Matchbox 20
Sport to Play:  baseball
Sport to Watch:  football
Holiday:  Christmas
Temple:  Salt Lake
Scripture Hero:  David
Animal:  jaguar
Restaurant:  Red Robin
Season:  Winter
Favorite Place to Go:  the pool
Favorite Football Team:  the 49ers
Wants to Be When He Grows Up:  a pilot
Best Friends:  Tyler, Kyle, Parker, Brooks

Happy Birthday, my cute Xander!

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