Monday, March 17, 2014

My Activity Days Girls

A year and a half ago I was called to serve as one of the Activity Days leaders for the 11 year old girls in our primary at church. To say I was not pleased would be putting it mildly. I had only been in my calling as a Relief Society teacher for 4 months and I was really enjoying it. To be yanked from that and put in a Primary calling was definitely not my cup of tea. But I accepted, despite my negative feelings, and learned yet another great lesson in life. If a person is willing to put her trust in the Lord and open herself up to what He wants her to do and learn, a change of heart can take place and it most definitely did with me. I grew to love this calling. I have never enjoyed working with younger kids (which is why they placed me with the oldest group of Activity Days girls) but I couldn't help but love these girls and laugh at the silly things they said and did. Plus I got to serve with an incredible woman who has become a dear friend.
 In the time that I was in this calling we had some great activities and lots of fun. Some of these included: a PJ night, with scripture reading, relay games, and a yogurt bar for dessert;
a decorating night for the upcoming Mother's Day activity;
and stuffing dolls for the children at a local hospital.
By last September we had lost most of our girls to YW so we received the next group of girls who had just turned 11. Lucky for me this included Savannah and all her friends. Unfortunately for me Savannah had soccer on Tuesdays so I didn't get to see her very often at our activities. Oh, well, the fun continued! We made ice cream one night, which the girls LOVED!
Made Halloween candy jars;
joined up with the YM and YW in our ward to go caroling to several older couples in the ward;
had a fun Christmas party with silly games;
and made Christmas ornaments.
Right at the end of January I received a new calling - to serve as the 2nd counselor in the Young Women. This put me right back in charge of the girls I had had earlier in Activity Days and will soon be seeing the batch of girls I had just left at various times this year as they become Beehives. I love YW and was extremely thrilled to have this calling! The first night I was at a YW Activity, I quickly stopped by the room where my Activity Days girls were meeting to say hello. I didn't realize how much I would miss hanging out with them and my partner in crime, Melissa. Later that evening, as I was heading down the church hall, I realized that several of the Activity Days girls were following me. When I got outside to my car I found out why. Those sweet girls had heart attacked my car, leaving me the sweetest notes plus a jar full of m&m's. My heart was so touched! I love those girls and can't wait until they all become Beehives!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! I am in YW again too. My favorite calling so far of the ones I've held!!
