Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Snowmaggedon 2016!!

The days following the great blizzard were very laid back, mainly because we were snowed in and couldn't go anywhere. The plows didn't even get to our neighborhood until Tuesday! The kids ended up having the entire following week off of school so we tried to come up with fun things to do. Noah and I spent one afternoon outside sledding. Well, he did the sledding; I just took pictures!
It was a little rough going at first until we got a better run dug out for him...
then he just flew!
Wipe out!
I'm okay, mom!
It was certainly easy to hang out in the tree!
He loved the snow cave.
And he wanted to show how high the shoveled snow in front of our house was!
The kids spent a lot of their time outside playing in the snow! Not only did they do some sledding, they built snow caves and snow forts and had huge neighborhood snowball fights!
I caught Savannah's snowball mid-air in this picture!
Noah was smart and got some protection.
Even the missionaries got involved in the fun!
Elder Shumway was getting transferred and had come to say goodbye; he had no idea what he was walking into!
There were also plenty of inside activities, including dress up and nerf gun battles;
a movie - Kung Fu Panda 3 - with our friends Akua and Nana;
and lunch at Noodles.
The kids also enjoyed a Harry Potter movie marathon which of course inspired some major wizard duels around the house!

We definitely took advantage of the snow days!

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