Saturday, January 15, 2022

Early Mornings

I never thought I'd be able to get up at 4:30 each morning and actually look forward to doing it but teaching seminary is such a joy and a delight, especially with the kids I have. They're so willing to do anything I ask them to do. I try to mix things up by having different types of activities each day and I appreciate that they rarely grumble or complain. Sometimes we do our work in the hall just for a change of scenery.
Our Mission Impossible activity.
Mission Complete!
There's always one...
Sitting under this tent with my kids, talking about the Savior and them sharing their testimonies, will forever remain one of my favorite seminary memories.
Fridays are always everyones' favorite - the breakfasts continue!
The kids wrote down a time when they chose to follow the Lord and we stuck them on our cool Nephite sword.
Drawing their own personal "tree of life" vision.
And more drawings, this time some doctrinal mastery. On the board are drawings of the prophesies contained in 1 Nephi. I LOVE their artwork!
The Restoration of the Gospel and the two different paths we can choose. My models did a good job!
One thing that I have really wanted to get rid of but the older kids won't let me is seminary bucks along with the seminary store at the end of each quarter. Ugh, I can't stand giving them "money" just for doing things like showing up on time and doing assignments, things they should just do. Anyway, I did drop it to just two seminary stores a year and I guess it's nice to see them excited about the goodies they can get.
In honor of the Olympics this year I decided to do our own seminary Olympics. I put the kids onto teams and they decided which Book of Mormon "country" they were from. And then, to prepare for our opening ceremonies, they then created a flag.
Introducing the Destroyerites from the land of Nephi (they even have a mascot) witht the motto "We will conquer";
the Jevannahites from "the land of Moron, enough said";
and the Femaleites from the land of Bountiful, the land of plenty.


The others weren't quite done with their flags when I took these pictures but everyone was super excited for our very first seminary Olympics!!

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