Friday, June 22, 2012

A Moth Story

I don't know about the rest of you but we have never seemed to have much luck with caterpillars and butterflies or ant farms or crickets or any other kind of insect. We eventually had to release the caterpillar that Savannah had when she was three because after several months the thing was still alive but clearly had no interest in doing any changing. A few weeks ago the kids saved a caterpillar from our front lawn right before David was going to mow. Xander put it in his little insect jar that he received from his teacher and was so excited to see if it would change into a beautiful caterpillar. I didn't hold out much hope but, lo and behold, that very night the caterpillar spun a cocoon! After several weeks I thought maybe it had died in there but one night, while getting something in the kitchen, I heard this strange buzzing noise. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw something flying around in that insect jar. SUCCESS AT LAST!!!
I excitedly called the kids down to see our beautiful moth and we decided to let it go out on the back deck.
We had a little bit of a hard time getting it to leave us; in fact, it flew onto my shirt and clung to me with all its might, never letting go despite my loud screams and efforts to "gently" brush it off.
What a fun little experience for me and the kids!

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