Saturday, June 22, 2013

And Then There's No

Noah had a ball playing T-ball this spring! He's our little leftie but when it comes to batting he's a switch hitter. He'll walk up to the plate, decide which side he feels like standing on, and hit! He was extremely proud of himself when he could hit the ball without using the tee and by the end of the season that was the majority of the time. Some pictures from the season:
I feel your pain, bud, T-ball can be a little slow at times. Okay, really all the time!
Noah told me to be ready with the camera because he was going to slide into home.
So happy to have another trophy.
A date with mom to Barnes and Noble for a new book and then out for a tasty treat.
Noah's date with dad for April was "his choice". Noah's choice was Chuck E. Cheese. Well, I thought he would have a much better time at Medieval Times so David took him there instead. Noah had no idea this amazing place existed and he absolutely loved it! I made sure David took Noah's knight gear so he could be decked out for the festivities!
Meeting the falcon.
A drink while they waited to be seated. Pretty tasty and the cup even flashes!
And he lost his first tooth! He's been waiting for this for quite some time! He told me he didn't have to stick his tooth under the pillow because there's no such thing as the tooth fairy, it's just the parents who put money under there. I asked him, "Do I LOOK like a fairy?" He had to agree that I didn't and was quite pleased with the money that was left, regardless of who placed it there.
Noah was really good about tagging along every Tuesday and Thursday to Savannah's and Xander's games. We usually sent him to Savannah's because the field she played at had 2 playgrounds. It also had 2 of his favorite little friends who were there with their older sisters so he would run around with them. Noah and Mackenzie!
He also enjoyed hanging out with Xander's baseball team at the team party. This little girl followed him everywhere he went,
he played with one dog,
and guarded his food from the other one.
And last, but certainly not least, Noah graduated from kindergarten! For their celebration the kids sang songs for us and recited a couple poems.
They each received a blue ribbon showing they were ready to advance to 1st grade as well as a kindergarten diploma.

Noah and all his lady friends.
One of his best buds, Matthew.
And Mackenzie! She and Noah are so alike and it just cracks me up to watch them together.


  1. I love this kid. I love all these kids. I wish that you were closer!!! Good work keeping busy No-No!!

  2. I like that kindergarten celebration much better than some of the mock graduations other schools do!
