Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ward Christmas Party

We always have such an enjoyable evening at our Ward Christmas Party but this year both David and I were being a little humbug about going. We were tired and not feeling the Christmas spirit but thank goodness for our kids because they insisted that we attend. I'm grateful for my kids who push me to get out of the house and do things because I'm more inclined to just stay at home. This year was another wonderful party that started with a beautiful Christ-centered program in the chapel. The Activity Days girls, of which Savannah is a part, came dressed all in white and sang "Silent Night"...they sounded like angels!

Savannah and one of her best friends, Kaia.
After the spiritual program, everyone was free to head throughout the church to enjoy the various activities set up. Xander apparently thought visiting Santa was the most important and went there first. Thank goodness I happened to peek into the room and catch him on Santa's lap right before he finished telling Santa all about the Legos he wants for Christmas.
For the rest of the evening Xander hung with his buddy Spencer, eating food and playing games.
Noah had dressed up as a shepherd for the chapel program...what a cutie! He quickly joined up with his buddy Ben and they ran around causing havoc.
I did catch them waiting patiently for a visit with Santa. Those two...what a pair!
And what was on Noah's list for Santa? Legos, of course!
Although she's getting older, Savannah still paid Santa a visit as well. She was highly embarrassed when I told Santa that she wanted Legos for Christmas; apparently that kind of gift was supposed to be on the down low. I told her she doesn't need to feel bad about wanting toys...I'm a grown woman and would LOVE to receive Legos for Christmas!

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