Monday, March 23, 2015

A New Call to Serve

Two weeks before Christmas David received a phone call to schedule an appointment for us both to meet with the Stake President. We were both thrilled, knowing that after over 4 years serving on the high council that David was finally going to be released. However, what we did not really think about was why President Brady wanted to meet with both of us; it didn't even cross our minds. When we got to the church President Brady said he wanted to meet for a few minutes with David alone; still I was not comprehending the situation. After waiting in the hall for about 15 minutes David came and got me, and as he led me down to the room he whispered that the ward was being split and that he had been called to serve as the bishop of the Winters Run Ward. Whoa! Wasn't expecting that one! When Bishop Brady was called to serve as Stake President in May, Todd Lyman was called to serve as bishop and that was that.  This call to serve definitely surprised us both but obviously it was a call that we easily accepted, knowing what awesome spiritual growth and experience, as well as service opportunities, it would give our family. The hardest part of the situation was keeping it on the down low. No one was told about the upcoming split until the Sunday after Christmas when it was announced over the pulpit and even then that was just to inform church members that the new ward boundaries would not be given until a special sacrament meeting held on January 11th. In total that was one month of keeping our mouths shut about what we knew about the ward split, which was absolutely everything, and staying mum about David's new calling. With ward members speculating and having a hard time dealing with the upcoming change, staying silent was extremely difficult. Looking at my beautiful Mia Maids each week, knowing that I was going to lose absolutely every single one of them, just about broke my heart. David and I leaned on each other, as well as the Lord, heavily during that extremely difficult month until finally that special Sunday arrived. We told the kids the night before that David was being called to serve as bishop and Noah's classic response was, "Daddy is going to be bishop? That's a miracle!" Yes, a splendid miracle and blessing in our lives and one that David had been prepared for for the past few years. I know that not everyone has been happy with the change (it's always hard to be removed from those we love and basically consider family) but I have already seen and felt such amazing blessings in our lives. The first week after David was sustained and set apart I felt like I was walking on cloud nine; I just felt so happy and alive and absolutely joyous! By mid-week the thought came to me that I was feeling this way because of the prayers that were being offered in my family's behalf. The thought stunned and humbled me and I have been so grateful, each and every day, for this wonderful opportunity to serve.
The ward realignment even made the local newspaper! With such great growth in our area, the change affected 3 wards, splitting up the Winters Run Ward and drawing a few families from 2 other wards to form a new ward called Bynum Run. The article included a great picture of the 3 bishops of the wards most affected, including my own cute husband.

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously impressed with your ability to keep a secret! I was so happy when I heard who our bishop was going to be. Your family is amazing!
