Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Winter Weather

I absolutely love living on the east coast! What a tremendous blessing it has been for our family to live in this beautiful part of our country. I'll be driving along some evenings and see such glorious sunsets and my heart just fills up with gratitude for the great beauty of this earth.
And this storm rolling in...isn't it amazing?
Yes, I'm a total nerd but I love capturing these breathtaking moments of winter because my gratitude for this particular season is not always at a high. These pictures remind me to be grateful that I have a warm home, suitable clothing, and a heated car to get me around when I actually need to venture out in the freezing cold.
Even my kitties bask in the sun when it's out!
One of the few things I dislike about living in the east is how long the winters last. I don't mind the cold and dreariness of the weather through Christmas because that kind of weather is fitting for the holiday season. But then comes January...and February...and March...and they are long, cold months shrouded in gray and white.
My silly Googie, posing for a picture!
The kids absolutely love winter because they thoroughly enjoy playing in the snow, even if it's just a few inches.
One tired girl - she was out sledding all day!
And then come the snow storms that aren't just a few inches but a ton of inches...the kids love those the best!
My snow cuties!

Yes, it's definitely a love/hate relationship for me!

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