Monday, October 15, 2018

A YW Pioneer Day Celebration

For some reason we never really celebrate Pioneer Day. I remember when I was growing up that we always seemed to have some fun primary activity to commemorate the day but that is not something I see much of anymore outside of Utah. Well, young women activity night fell on the actual Pioneer Day this year so I suggested we do an activity all about pioneer fun. We did some games that would have been played at that time, like the 3-legged race. Some of the partnerships...
and the races!
Despite efforts by some of the Beehives to slow others down, Carolyn and Savannah pretty much won every race!
Stick pulling!
Most of the girls tried it but we quickly found that Grace was putting everyone away!
So Melissa challenged her...
with the same results!
Grace went undefeated!
While some of the girls continued stick pulling, others went into the kitchen to try their hand at making butter.
Lots of shaking going on!
It actually turned out really good and we all got to enjoy our butter with cornbread.
Lastly we played pioneer bingo. Each of the girls had been asked to bring a pioneer story, either from their own family history or one that they'd read about, and as the stories were read the girls looked for items that were mentioned on their bingo cards. It was a lot of fun!

I'd definitely call it a Pioneer Day celebration success!

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