Sunday, October 14, 2018

Girls Camp 2018

Girls camp is not usually an activity I attend so I rely on my fabulous YW President Melissa to send me pictures of my girl throughout the week.

But this year I ended up at camp twice! Tuesday night the other YW counselor, Sommer, and I drove up together to have dinner with our girls as well as watch them perform their skit. We had a great time! Almost immediately we ran into Melissa and Nichole, our camp director.
And there were all our girls having ward time so we joined right in. Cute Emma and her ukele...
Liath, Emily, and Grace working on some dance moves...
Wendy Eck and her fab glasses...
and my Savannah getting her groove on with the other girls.
There was also some card playing...
and a trip to the reflection spot.
Benches are set up for each value that have the name of a female hero carved on them.
It's a quiet little area where the girls can go to reflect, ponder, and hopefully find some peace.
Time for dinner! The leaders photo bombing are the best!
I caught these ladies all dressed up before performing their skit which was sensational!
Cheering on the young women in the other wards as they perform each skit. I know I might be prejudiced but I can honestly say that our skit was the best! Our value was Divine Nature and going along with The Greatest Showman theme, we were jugglers.  In our skit Audrey was trying to juggle the many roles and responsibilities, represented by all of our young women, that a young woman has today.  We got tons of compliments about our performance!
Taking an evening stroll around camp with the other leaders.
Can you spot Stephanie?? She kept doing this creepy pose in every picture which had us all cracking up.
Enjoying the amazing sunset before driving home to our nice comfortable beds.
Thursday night I was back up at camp, this time with David as well as Kim and Rich Paul, for Bishops Night. Once again we found the girls in the middle of ward time so we just jumped right in and joined them.
There's always lots and lots of hair braiding going on.
And more card playing.
We then headed over to the flag to sing and retire the flag for the night before dinner.
Rich can always be depended on to do some grilling.
It's always so fun to see some of the young women I don't often get to see, like Akua who used to be in our ward but moved up to Susquehanna a year or so ago.
Campfire time!
Our wonderful camp cooks, Beth and Patty!
Rachel, Genna, and Liath helping David get the dutch oven desserts ready.
Playing games and singing silly songs while we waited for the desserts to cook.
Desserts are David's specialty!
I LOVE our young women!!
And I especially love my family!! What a great time we had up at camp!

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