Thursday, June 20, 2019

Seminary Antics in February

Everyone warned me that January and February are the most difficult months for seminary so I tried to get as creative as possible, coming up with active games, fun art projects, and tasty treats to keep my students motivated. And I think it worked! February was an extremely fun, spiritually enlightening month! One Friday we played Steal the Bacon - Doctrinal Mastery style - in the gym.
Uh, oh, Harrison, I don't think you want to go up against Savannah...
she's one tough cookie!
Felix caught Sydney...
and Nathan didn't let Lydia's size hold him back. Note the hand on Lydia's face, ha ha!
A fun match up - football speed vs soccer speed.
This was probably my favorite face off - Lydia vs Grace.
Ka Pow!!
Too much Steal the Bacon did Grace in!
Enjoying some donuts and getting ready to play Doctrinal Mastery Spin the Bottle.
When I announced we would be playing Spin the Bottle, Emma replied, "Sister Pierce, this is seminary!" When I asked them if an empty bottle or a full bottle worked better for spinning, Felix responded, "You ask us like we've played this game before." I told them to pucker up and get ready to earn some kisses.
And earn them they did, ha ha!
They also had a ton of fun!!
Another fun game that kept them moving, singing, laughing, and, most importantly, searching the scriptures - Seminary Scramble!
These kids are hilarious and keep me laughing every morning!
Each student wrote down a way they can "stand in holy places and be not moved." This one is Savannah's.
To celebrate Love Day, we saw what laws we can live. Thank goodness these kids were able to live the Law of the Spoon, the Napkin, the Empty Bowl, the Turnover, and the highest law of the day, the Law of the Turnover a la mode!
We also filled our board with scriptures that each student felt shows the Savior's love for him or her personally.
We sure do love to eat around here!
Trying to get them out of their seats! Each of them read a huge block of verses and then wrote on the board the specific verses that stuck out to them as well as why he or she felt those verses were important. It led to some great discussion on how we can apply these verses to our lives today. I've definitely got some deep thinkers in my class.
Analyzing one of DM verses by asking lots of questions and then answering those questions using all our scripture tools.
After discussing a recent devotional from Elder Rasband, we each chose a protection scripture and then each of the youth received these cool t-shirts from Sister Landbeck, another seminary teacher in our stake.
Examining the difference between the two statements "I can't" versus "I won't".
I love giving the kids assignments that involve art! They always amaze me and their artistic examination of the principles and doctrines found in sections 90-92 were no exception.
Hilarious!! Sydney even captured Harrison's eyebrows!

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