Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Fresh Princesses of Bel Air

As YW leaders, we knew we had to do something spectacular for the Ward Talent Show. It started with Melissa's idea of doing a lip sync dance to an 80's song, her choice being "Hey Mickey". It evolved from that one song to snippets of several famous 80's songs, including Thriller, Walk Like an Egyptian, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Eye of the Tiger, and Vogue. With a last throw in suggested by Sommer - our opening sequence was to the song Jump On It and we copied the dance moves by Will Smith in an episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air - we had our masterpiece. We met several times to put together our moves, ordered our 80's attire, and arrived early at the church to crimp and style our hair. Some pre-show pictures...
We were ready to rock it!
The talent show was filled with a bunch of really fun and entertaining performances. Even Savannah had jumped in on an act where a bunch of the little kids were dancing and Savannah stepped in to show off a few moves of her own. We were slated to be the finale which meant we had that much more time to get extremely nervous and start second guessing actually doing our performance in front of all those people. But the time arrived and out we went. The video is so much better but for the blog, pictures will just have to do.
My lead part of our act was the Madonna role for Vogue...I was chosen because, surprisingly enough, I was the only one in our group who remembered the music video for it and some of the moves. Yep, I'm definitely the oldest!
About half way through, I got the worst case of cotton mouth and dry lips and I was frantically struggling to get some moisture in my mouth so I could actually look like I was singing, ha ha!
We made it through all 7 1/2 minutes with only a few little mistakes. As we exited the stage and ran out into the hallway, we all just started busting up laughing. We had overcome our nervousness, our fears, got a few cheers, and just had a blast doing it. Serving with these ladies has been one of the highlights of my adult life! We always have so much fun with each other! This is one performance I will always remember!
Some final pictures and boomerangs (of course) in the hall before it was time to get back to the 21st century.

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