Monday, February 10, 2020

The Little Moments

Every once in awhile I like to add to the blog all the little random pictures of things that we do so here's some from our spring. Noah attended the temple for the first time with David and Savannah. Unfortunately Xander had something going on so he and I couldn't attend.
We love when it gets warm enough to have Ritas!!!
David continues to travel a ton, sending me cool pictures of the things he gets to see...
and the mishaps that occur! Ouch!
When he's home he tries to spend time with the kids, doing fun things and keepin' them active.
Seriously, phones can be the worst!
But it looks like they had a ton of fun!
One of my favorite students graduated and I happened to be subbing on the big award day for the graduates.
I also got to go to her graduation party.
I continued helping my dear friend Kim with the Activity Day girls twice a month. For this activity they got to make yarn bookmarks.
They're all just so dang cute!
And I always try to take the time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. I'm a sucker for a beautiful sunset.

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