Monday, May 6, 2013


Since MLB Opening Day we have had the Orioles games on non-stop in our house and have turned into massive fans! I know it's crazy because I have always felt like baseball is one of the most boring sports around but there is a certain excitement about the game when you love the players and they're playing well. Davis, Machado, Markakis...we love 'em all! We decided we need to attend more Orioles games and one of the best ways to do that is sign the kids up for the Dugout Club. For a little over $20 a kid, Savannah, Xander, and Noah each receive a hat, a backpack, and tickets to 10 Orioles games. The tickets for David and I are only $6 and at the stadium hot dogs, chips, and drinks are only $1! A few Saturdays ago we went to our first game as Dugout Club members and we made a bunch of rookie mistakes. We went too late, hit massive stadium traffic and had difficulties with the parking, faced long, LONG lines to get David's and my tickets, and then couldn't find any seats! We hadn't eaten dinner because we figured we would just eat there but the hot dogs turned out to be less than appetizing or filling. We finally just found some seats somewhere in the stadium but I spent the 6 innings we were there worried that the ticket holders for those seats would show up and kick us out. It was bitterly cold that night so we headed home before the game was over, determined that next time we would know exactly what to do to make it a more enjoyable experience for us all.
Not a bad picture considering we were all freezing our cans off in the cold wind and the kids hated the food.
It's funny to look at this picture because although Savannah and Xander did have fun once we found some seats, Noah, who looks grumpy here, actually enjoyed the game more than any of us. He loved dancing with the other fans, cheering, yelling "Charge", and watching the fun videos on the big screen.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I saw the Braves play the Orioles in 2003. Your concession prices are a steal! I remember paying about $15 for a drink and hotdog.
