Thursday, May 23, 2013

What do the Parents Do?

Sometimes it's easy to think that David's and my life are completely wrapped up in what our kids are doing.  Yes, we stay busy with the kids, driving them around to practices and games, helping with homework, and doing the parent thing.  But David and I also have things going on in our lives separate from being a parent.
David usually spends January through March playing basketball with our church team but this year, due to some old-man pain in his shoulder and elbow, he was only able to play in one game.  And unfortunately they lost.  Work keeps him busy but so does his calling in the Stake YM Presidency.  Dances, camping activities, and the Stake Youth Trek in June have consumed his schedule the past few months and I think both of us will be relieved when the church activities die down for the summer.  He has found time to read a few books, watch a bunch of Orioles games, and go on a few dates with me.  Both David and I found a new obsession - Downton Abbey!  We spent quite a few evenings watching episode after episode and are now struggling with the long wait for Season 4 to begin.
This whole year has been absolutely marvelous for me.  With all three kids in school all day I have been able to relax and enjoy time to myself.  While many women talk about all the cleaning and errands they accomplish each day, I say, "You cleaned for 7 hours?  I soaked in the tub all morning and read." Yes, that's my kind of life.  Really, though, it hasn't been all about reading.  I have enjoyed meeting some friends for lunch from time to time, I've picked up scrap booking again, and I continue to attend Book Club each month.  I received a new calling in church as an Activity Days leader for the 11 year old girls.  At first I was not too thrilled but the girls are fun, most of the time, and we have done some cool things with them.  Preparing for Savannah's homeschooling next year has taken up a lot of my time as I've researched different curriculum and books and I even attended a Christian Homeschooling Conference a few weeks ago.  I also started taking piano lessons last September and actually played in my first recital last week! 
David and I love being parents but we also find joy in the other roles of our lives - husband and wife, church member, sister and brother, son and daughter, friend.

1 comment:

  1. OK- I LOVE this post!!!!!! I am glad to hear you and David keep up with some personal time.
    Dan and I are addicted to Downton Abbey as well! Unfortunately, we got caught up all the way through to Season 3- and we have to wait our turn for it at the library. We are like number 273 or something ridiculous in line- and the wait is killing us!
