Friday, January 10, 2014

NYC - Final Day!

Our last day in NYC started out extremely overcast with the occasional drizzle. We were hoping that the weather would mean less crowds at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, the two spots on our itinerary for the day.

On the ferry ride to Ellis Island with the beautiful view of New York City behind us.
Ellis Island was awesome! What a fascinating place to visit, especially knowing that some of my own ancestors made their way through here as they arrived in the United States.
We each got our own headsets to listen to various stories and journal entries written by the immigrants. Little No did such a great job wandering through the displays.
The Great Hall.
Record books.
Ahhh, Noah! He keeps us entertained at ALL times!
After the Ellis Island tour we took another ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. We were all so excited to see her!
Unfortunately tickets to go up in her crown get sold out months in advance but we were still able to go up to the base of her pedestal. There were tons of interesting displays to look at inside. They have the original torch in there as well.
Outside with a beautiful view of the city. Thank goodness the day had cleared up!
Taking this upward shot of Lady Liberty left me feeling extremely dizzy but I like how it looks!
I love this picture of me and David.

Noah drew this picture of our visit to NYC. Noah had such a great time there and still talks about it. I love how he drew all the tall buildings, our bus, the IHOP that we ate breakfast at each morning, and his Statue of Liberty. What a fun vacation for all of us!

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