Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Very Scary Birthday Party

Each year for their birthday our kids get to choose between having a party or doing something extra fun with mom or dad. This year Noah chose to go to Medieval Times, Savannah chose a party, and Xander chose to go to an O's playoff game. Unfortunately for Xander playoff tickets were ultra expensive so he had to settle for a party. Xander was extremely bummed so I tried to make things all better by suggesting a fun Halloween party and inviting about 14 friends, a number well over what I normally would have allowed. Thank goodness only 10 of the invitees showed up because the night turned into a night of horrors!
It started out innocently enough as little werewolves, a football player, a soldier, and even a Spiderman invaded my home. Pizza kept them quiet and sedate for the first part of the evening.
And then all hell broke loose! We went into the family room to start the games, the boys went crazy, and I never got control of them again.
The mummy wrap game. Xander teamed up with his buddy Ashur.
Noah and the other werewolves.
These three might look like soldiers and a phantom but in reality they were little devils!
The winning team!
These pictures make it seem like Halloween Pictionary is a calm, lovely game but the reality was quite different!
I thought my bookcase was going to come crashing down at some point during this game.
Then it was time for the scary scavenger hunt outside. I had hidden eight bones containing clues throughout the side and back yard that the boys had to hunt down. Armed with a bag to collect bones and a flashlight, I headed out with the first group.
The last bone was guarded by Mr. Bones hidden in the shed. His singing and red eyes were the perfect touch!
The second group was a little hesitant to head out.
The bone hidden in the graveyard wasn't so scary...until they heard the young girl's voice coming from the dark shadows. "Mommy? Mommy? It's dark and I'm so scared. Hee hee hee!" It was so wickedly fun to see the boys freak out. Way to go, Savannah!
Hangin' with Mr. Bones!
We ended the night with the Fear Factor game.
Despite the boy who announced what everything was - "That's not zombie skin, that's turkey! Those aren't fly guts, it's pineapple! That isn't snot, it's kiwi!" - the boys really enjoyed eating the gross food, so much so that I thought they might bring the table down.
Xander's looking disgusted.
So, the above pictures depicted brief moments of calmness from the evening; I am not kidding when I say this was one of the loudest, craziest, most tiring nights I've ever experienced. The majority of the boys were completely out of control and I told Xander that there were be no more parties for him. I've included a few pictures of the bedlam that was the norm of the night - the running around, the crazy antics, the yelling and shouting...
and the wrestling. Oh, the wrestling. These boys would not stop jumping on each other, pushing each other, and knocking each other down.
But Xander had fun with his friends and I guess that's what truly matters!

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