Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our Noah

Ahhh, my cute little Noah...I look at his face and I just want to eat him up!
And then there's the other times, the times when he is driving me to distraction by rolling his eyes at what I am telling him to do, sticking his fingers in both ears and chanting, "I can't hear you, I can't hear you" over and over. That little Noah face is not as pleasing.
But then it passes and he dresses up as a ninja and runs all over the neighborhood with his gang.

He writes the coolest things at school, including this "I Believe in my Selfie" where he wrote that he believes in himself because he works hard, he does good things, and he does his best to get an ABBY.
He also writes notes telling me he loves me and is trying so hard to be can my heart not melt as I read these sweet little things??? He's also quite the reader and I am thoroughly enjoying the time we spend together reading The Magic Treehouse series.
Noah loves his country and wants to be a soldier when he grows up so he can go fight the bad guys and keep us all safe. Our next door neighbor gave him his old army clothes and Noah has been in heaven!
And although he might fight us about making his bed and cleaning his room he's more than happy to help out in the yard!
What a good little worker!!
But he's definitely not a good little tooth brusher; we have to fight him to brush his teeth each day. I sing him that old catchy tune - "They call me yuck mouth, cuz I don't brush! How about a little kiss?" Nothing. I've shown him pictures of Mao with his black teeth. Nothing! We tell him he won't get any dates with his dragon breath. His response? "I don't care." He says that a lot!
We thought we had scored big time parent points when we finally got him to wear underwear. Those points have been erased as we battle to get him to change his underwear. Really? Is it that hard? Apparently, though, he does care about his looks because he loves to take showers and he loves to work out!
Disgusting smells? No biggie! Big muscles? Now that's a definite must!
He's one crazy little guy, always making us laugh!
And Noah's drawings? Oh, the pictures he draws - I just can't throw them out! I have become a hoarder of Noah's drawings and must have 500 at least. From pictures of current events, like Halloween...
and trick or treating...
to things that matter most to him, like soldiers...
and Star Wars.

His obsession with motorcycles has me driving out of my way just so we can pass the motorcycle shop and he can talk about when he's older and I take him there to buy his first motorcycle.
And knights with their extremely interesting dialogue.
And of course anticipating Christmas morning and what he, Xander, and Savannah will decide to play with once they get all their new toys.

The drawings are left all over the house and I love each time I pick up one of these little treasures. Noah is one of the treasures in our life and I am so grateful that he was entrusted to me and David, no matter how smelly, irritating, or obnoxious he sometimes can be.

1 comment:

  1. That kid is amazing! And please keep all his pictures forever! I have a comic book that Jon wrote and illustrated at around Noah's age. It's hilariously precious.
