Friday, December 19, 2014

Youth Temple Trip

Earlier this year Elder Andersen, one of the Twelve Apostles, challenged the youth of the church to take family names to the temple for baptism. We introduced this challenge to the youth of our ward in August and for several months encouraged them to take the necessary steps to accomplish this great goal. Savannah joined with over 20,000 church youth all over the world by accepting this challenge and was able to have several names with her as she attended her very first youth temple trip on Saturday, November 1.
We met at the church bright and early for donuts and juice and then headed down to the DC temple while the sky was still dark!
Part of Elder Andersen's challenge was to take a picture at the temple and share it on social media - Savannah and her friend Sydney with their signs.
We had 40 youth from our ward attend the temple and all the names they used for baptisms were family names. The temple workers were amazed by the sheer awesomeness of our youth!
Such a beautiful way to spend a Saturday morning. I'm so grateful that David and I were both there for Savannah's first trip!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet and smart young woman you have! She is such an incredible young lady. Love that you were able to be there with her, and also Syd! How fun for them to go together their first time. DC was my first temple, too with our Stake Youth on a temple trip!
