One of the Mia Maids made our very own "Girl on Fire" Young Women torch girl silhouette which was the perfect touch for our backdrop.
Our tasty refreshments included Nightlock Berry Punch,
"Peeta" chips,
and Cinna-rolls! There are truly some creative people out there!
Of course the evening just would have not been complete without our very own Caesar Flickerman...
and Effie Trinket! At first I couldn't believe they had talked me into dressing up but it turns out that Melissa and I had the most fun of anybody that night as we rocked our characters!
The only problem with the idea we found off Pinterest was that they left us hanging on the skit idea. We had to have a major brainstorming session to decide how we wanted the evening to go and all I can say is SUCCESS!
After the opening song and prayer I got up to welcome everyone to the Winters Run 17th Annual New Beginnings. I had memorized Effie's opening speech to District 12 from the movie and I did my best to use her style of speech. Obviously I had to make a few adjustments to it, like the video "came to us all the way from Salt Lake City", and it was a perfect video to show - "I'm a Young Women and I Believe!" that included a concluding message from our very own president, Thomas S. Monson. Before I could even call up the new "tributes", we had a volunteer! Emma Hardy was a fabulous volunteer though she did hit my table as she walked by me causing me to shout, "It's mahogany!"
After calling up our "tributes", or what we would refer to as those cute girls entering Young Women this year, I concluded my speech with "May your choices be ever in your favor!"
Our new tributes joined the tributes from the other districts in a parade through the gym, showing off their district poster and color.
Unfortunately that cute tribute from District Choice and Accountability moved so fast without even a glance my way.
All the "districts" or values.
Each tribute got a chance to be interviewed by Caesar Flickerman who asked each young women how she kept her spiritual flame burning. Melissa was AMAZING as Caesar...she had us all laughing!
Once Caesar was done the girls participated in "the games". After naming temples, quoting Articles of Faith, and looking up particular scriptures, the tributes were all still alive, thank goodness.
We then called on previous Victors, or young women who have earned their Young Women medallion - Savannah, Elizabeth, and Carolyn -
to present the new tributes with a Young Women Girl on Fire necklace.
Savannah with Madison.
David was our concluding speaker and we joked that he should have worn a white rose in his lapel.
We ended with a closing prayer and then it was time to dive into those refreshments!
Our parting gift to each girl was styled after the gifts a tribute's district could send them during the games. Inside each package were hot balls, a candle, and a scripture about keeping your testimony burning.
My cute Victor!
My partner in crime, Melissa!