Tuesday, May 10, 2016

School Honors

Bright and early on a Wednesday morning in February I got a text from Savannah saying the Honors Assembly was that morning at 8:30! AHHHHHH!!! It was 8:00, I was still in my pjs, no makeup, trying to get the boys ready for school, and her school is 15 minutes away. I shifted into Super Mom gear, threw on some clothes and mascara, turned the boys' morning routine over to David, quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door because there was no way I was going to miss any kind of awards assembly for my girl!
Due to several previous assembly cancellations due to snow days, the school chose to combine the 7th and 8th grades and rather than have the kids walk up on the stage to receive their award, each student just stood to be recognized. Unfortunately Savannah refused to turn my way when it was her turn to stand.
But she was all smiles afterward. Can you blame her? Another fabulous quarter!
With her girlies Celine and Jayna.
Thank goodness with Xander I had a little bit more notification as to when his assembly would be. Honor roll time!
Xander received a handshake from the principal who always has such inspiring things to say to the students. I just love her!
Still towering over the rest of the kids in his grade.
Xander's teacher, Ms. Kaschak - love her too!

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