Saturday, December 24, 2022

Celebrating Dad's Life

Saturday, September 4, 2021 was Dad's funeral. Services were held at Mom and Dad's church building. We set up some wonderful pictures of Dad in the foyer.
His closed casket was set up in the Relief Society room and was topped with these beautiful flowers.
Heidi and I printed tons of pictures of Dad with all of us throughout the years and David, Ryan, and the kids did an amazing job making poster collages that we set up in the room as well. There was also a slideshow of pictures that Ryan had made that we had running so that the people who came to pay their final respects were surrounded with visual images of Dad's wonderful life.
There were beautiful flowers set up in the chapel as well. We all participated in the service in some way - the eulogy, prayers, reciting poems, and Mom spoke - a man in their ward sung "The Impossible Dream", one of Dad's favorites (and he did an outstanding job), the Bishop spoke, David Hooper from the Stake Presidency spoke, and then people in attendance were invited to get up and share memories of Dad if they wanted to, which I especially loved.
Mom had decided to have Dad buried in the cemetery right by our house, which made me so happy, so we headed up after the service. Dad had always wanted a bagpipe played at his service and amazingly enough we were able to arrange to have one at the graveside service.
Ryan dedicated the grave and then it was time to say goodbye.
We had a wonderful luncheon at the nearby Celebration of Life facility. Those who had attended the graveside service were invited to join us. When we first walked in and I saw Mom, my first reaction was to look around for Dad. It was like a sock to the gut when I had to remind myself that we were at his funeral luncheon. This was to happen many, many times throughout the following months.
We had to compare flowers to see who had bought the loveliest and of course I was the clear winner, ha ha!
Have to keep things light, as always.
That evening we headed to Graters in honor of Dad!
Drinking the cherry cream soda, his favorite!
Sunday we placed all the beautiful flowers from his service on his grave.
We then headed down to Mom's to spend some time with her and say some goodbyes...Savannah would be heading back to school;
Tricia back to Utah, and Aunt Peggy and John back to Chicago.
What a beautiful tribute to Dad! And oh, how we all miss him!

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